Monday, July 20, 2009

Cerita melayu and I

The truth is I used not to like watching Malay movies or Malay drama or Malay soap operas. I only like watching English movies. Basically, anything in English and made in USA. Huh, macam tak sedar diri je diri sendiri tu Melayu,heheh…and the truth is, I cannot really say that I am PROUD to be a Malay. Not that I want to be ‘a mat salleh’ because I like watching English programs or to be any other races, I just feel like race or ‘bangsa’ sometimes can be un-practical and it makes things complicated. There are things in Malay culture that I don’t agree with but I don’t want to mention them as they might offend some people. Being a Muslim is another story and I am very grateful to Allah that I was born a Muslim.

Tapi, baru-baru ade satu siri Melayu yang benar2 memikat hati. NUR KASIH. Best nye crite tu. Serious BEST! Ha, that’s my main point…I love NUR KASIH series. Setiap Jumaat, 9.00 – 10.00 malam di TV3. Diri ini actually mengikuti setiap episode soap opera Melayu? Biar betol…

Friday, July 17, 2009

Memori zaman study

Tetiba teringat zaman mase study di UUM dulu. Byk gak memories kat sane. Time study di IPG dulu pun byk memories gak. Bila2 teringat I feel like writing about it. I jenis yang sensitive but not as sensitive as my hubby lah (hmm…dua dua pun sensitive). Both of us dua dua sensitive dgn perangai manusia dan apa yang diperkatakan oleh manusia.

Adelah satu hari ni mase sem 5 kot coz time tu we were not engaged yet. In between gap class yang agak lame, kitorang selalu p Mall then p lunch as either café kolej Petronas, Eon or Guthrie. Sekarang dh tak panggil kolej kan tapi DPP as in Dewan Penginapan Pelajar. So, dari Mall we pun p la café kolej ***** for lunch. As a short cut to go there, we kena lalu satu laluan tak rasmi yang kena turun bukit n langkah longkang kecik. Laluan ni sebelah je dgn asrama lelaki kolej *****.

Mase nak turun tu, I agak slow skit la coz pakai baju kurung kan, hubby lak (time tu boyfriend) dah selamat turun. So dia pun tunggu la I turun plak. I nampak ade 2 org budak laki pandang kitorang. Tak kisahla, biasala tu orang pandang, takde yg peliknya. Bila kaki nak melangkah masuk ke dlm café tu, tetiba terdengar suara lelaki “Pernikahan adalah digalakkan dikalangan mahasiswa”. One of the budak lelaki tu yg cakap rupanya. Ingat kitorang tak dengar? Obviously dia tujukan kata2 tu kat kitorang kan coz time tu takde orang lain pun except us. Tapi, kitorang tak melawan ke ape just trus masuk café tu n makan. But, as usual when ths thing happened, we talked about it from every angles coz bengang jugak lah dgn kata2 that guy yg kitorang tak kenal pun…ntahsapentah.

Our theory senang je, dia jealous. JEALOUS. And dia takde girlfren, if ade takkan cakap gitu kot. Eleh, one day bila dia ade girlfren, time kat UUM plak tu, baru dia tau! Ishhh, tu la before cakap ape2 pandang2 la org keliling ni tak main hentam je cakap. If jealous tu normal la kan, tapi diam2 je la kan Tapi, takpela, we forgive him. Cuma bila teringat rase cam sakit hati jugakla. Ala, time tu kitorang memang la lum kawen tapi nak kawen. Hujung sem tu we pun btunang. Akhir sem 6 kawen. Syukur…

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ayah yang risau

As my hubby and I still live with my parents in Bangi, if we want to go out, we usually tell them 1st like “mak, pergi dulu ek, ade pesan ape2?”. So, yesterday my hubby and I keluar la. Plannya just nak p Warta Bangi je nk beli kasut and sandal sepasang. Then, we p lunch kat Old Town White Coffee Bangi. Hubby suke betol dgn coffee nya. Habisla, addict dah dia dgn coffee Old Town. Then, we buat decision nak p Alamanda tapi td kat umah I just cakap dgn my parents nak p Warta je tak cakap pun nk p Alamanda. Tapi, tak kisahla p jela kan.

Jalan2 Alamanda sampaila kul 4 lebih. Then, on d way balik umah ayah call gini…
Ayah: “Hello, Kakngah kat mane ni?”
Me: “Aaa…on d way nk balik nie”
Ayah: ”Ooo…okay, ayah ingat kat mane td.ok bye”

See, I’m married. P kuar dgn hubby tp still ayah risau bile balik lambat skit. Hmmm…dah kawen pun parents kita still risau tentang kita kan…I’m grateful to have parents like that…walaupun tanggungjawab parents seorang anak perempuan dah berpindah kpd suami once d girl kawen, tp still d parents risau about d daughter…hepi

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Says who being a teacher is easy?

People may say being a teacher is easy. Yela kan..cikgu pukul 1pm or 1.30pm dah boleh balik dah.paling lewat pun if ade meeting pukul 2 pm lebih dah boleh balik dah. Sekali sekala je ade activity sukan petang2. Cuti sekolah pun cuti ape. That’s why people said it’s easy being a teacher.

Yeah, I admit that it puzzled me and sometimes scared me to see some people go to work very early in the morning and only come back at like 8pm. But then again, being a teacher we deal with students aka children. For primary school, we deal with kiddos. For secondary school we deal with teenagers. I am primary school teacher. Given a choice, I will choose to teach primary school. Why? For me, personally, although I have to deal with those students who are not interested to learn and give you hell, but, when you teach those who are interested to learn and are well-behaved, it gives you indescribable satisfaction that will make you smile at the end of the day. Satisfaction like no other…because these students are young and Iprefer to teach young learners.

As teacher, I tend to remember students who are clever and well-behaved. I remember them with a smile on my face and pray that they will continue to be good students/good sons/good daughters/good muslim (for muslims) and ‘jadi orang yg berguna’ and I silently congratulating their parents…congratulations! Why? You are able to produce and bring up a son/daughter that in my opinion will make you feel grateful to god.

Sometimes, I do meet parents of these well-behaved students, I wanted to say to them, “Anak encik/puan ni baik. Pandai encik/puan mendidiknya. Tahniah…”. But, I didn’t. I only said it in my heart. I also tend to remember the naughty ones who always give you trouble. I remember them but not with a smile on my face. I silently pray that these students one day will value education and please don’t be a mat rempit/drug addict/bohsia, etc. Family background plays a very big role in building the students’ characters and attitudes. Do take care of your children parents…so they won’t give teachers at school so much trouble.

If you think it’s easy being a teacher. Think again. Do you dare to control a class of 35 to 40 students in it? Sometimes, I feel more like a babysitter than a teacher. Controlling the students takes so much of your time and energy. That’s why teacher sometimes punish students who are not so well=behaved, they get on our nerve and only gives us trouble and disturb the teaching and learning process in class. Which teacher like such students? No one. Period. If only every students had a dream of furthering their studies in university, then they will be interested to learn and will be a well-behaved student. Then teacher’s duty to teach students will run smoothly and effectively. Haha! Dream on! Not every student is interested to learn or furthering their studies in university. Oh well, kalau semua orang dah jadi orang terpelajar nanti dah takde nilai lagila ‘terpelajar’ tu, rite? Then, siape pulak nak jadi those occupation that don’t required high education qualification like buruh and such. Then, kite pun terpaksa lah import pekerja2 asing jadi buruh, etc.

Oh well, whatever it is. I love being a teacher and I love teaching. Kena banyak sabar jadi cikgu ni. Sabar dengan perangai students yg pelbagai ragam dan pelbagai latar belakang. And don’t ever think it’s easy to become a teacher. It never is. Kerja pejabat lagi senang rasenya…

The moment of truth

The truth is I loooveee English. I started to like English when I was in Year 5 primary school. Ever since I know how to read, I read and read and read and never stop reading. But those days I only read Malay story books. My dad bought me a lot of storybooks. When I was about 11, I started to become bored of Malay books because it seems like I’ve read every Malay story books available (haha!!). So, one day I challenged myself to read English storybook. I bought a book from Enid Blyton series called The Naughtiest Girl in School. Like hell, I tried to read the book. I took me like 3 months to finish reading the book and I only understand like 50% (the content, I mean).

As days goes by, I fell in love with English Language. Moreover, I started to listen to English songs. Miraculously, my academic performance increased once I started to read English books. My confidence level increased too now that I understand English. Then, I started to talk in English…in front of the mirror. Sounds crazy? But, worth it. Well, there is no one for me to talk English to those days.

Sweet valley series, Fear Street, Christopher Pike. Those are my favourite when I was 12 to 15 years old. Mind you, I don’t even look at Malay story books or magazines anymore or watch Malay dramas or listen to Malay songs those days. Gosh, how arrogant am i! But, those are the past. I started to read Malay story books again, listen to Malay songs again and watch Malay TV series again when I was in university. Now, I read, watch and listen to any materials in Malay Language. I married an educated and caring Malay man and we speak Malay to each other. No more the arrogant me…

ETEMS:what’s the big deal?

My dad, a retired lecturer is against ETEMS. Reason: “kesian students, subject B.I pun kadang2 tak faham, apatah lagi nak ajar Math dan Science dlm B.I”.

My mom a secondary school teacher supports ETEMS. Reason: “B.I penting sekarang ni. Elokla Science dan Math dlm B.I, biar penggunaan B.I lebih meluas”.

My hubby, an educator: “Nak luaskan penggunaan B.I, it has to start somewhere. Mula2 memang la susah, students rase susah, cikgu pun rase susah. Tapi, pelan2 la, sikit2…

Personally, I pity students who are already weak in English now that they have to learn Math and Science in English. But, I believe, in order to make students proficient in English, ETEMS is necessary. This is not the matter of ‘tak cintakan bahasa sendiri’. Being a Malay, I speak Malay in my everyday lives. I dream in Malay. I eat Malay foods. I wear baju kurung to school…But, admit it English is very important nowadays. With ETEMS, students are ‘forced’ to increase the level of their proficiency in English whether they like it or not. Therefore, ETEMS should not be banished.

husband and wife:completes each other

Memandangkan penulis n hubby penulis dah berkahwin lebih kurang 1 tahun 1 bulan, jadi maybe kami masih dlm honeymoon phase. So, we are very much in love with each other. Hopefully, kalau dah lame berkahwin nanti pun the feeling will still be the same.

Sometimes, we argue. But, usually the cold war will only last for a few hours. Penulis pun tak suke nak merajuk lame2. Hubby pun merajuk tak lame. Majuk skit2 cukup la…

Sometimes, I get angry because of certain things. He calms me down.

Sometimes, he gets tense. I reassure him that things will turn up just fine.

Sometimes, I’m being nonsense (short-term view). He makes me see things clearer (long-term view).

Sometimes, he forgets thing and being un-systematic (hate it). I will remind him all over and over again (I hate to do that)

Sometimes, I’m too bold. He reminds me to be more careful next time.

Sometimes, badan hubby banyak angin sampai dia tak selesa. I’m the one who will massage him to ease his discomfort.

Sometimes, I need belaian seorang suami. He’s there to comfort me.

Both of us are of the same career line that is education. Both of us are not perfectionist (ala, lebih kurang jela). Both of us are humble. Both of us like to mind our own business. Both of us are homely type. Both of us are moderate in taste (the idea of buying clothes at the 2nd hand shop or pasar malam doesn’t despise us, in fact we do that sometimes). Both of us don’t like crowd. Both of us are good in language (Math makes us dizzy). Both of us support ETEMS (the teaching of Science n Math in English). Go! Go! ETEMS!

We have a lot in common. We also have our differences. Both the similarities and differences complete us.

people are not alike all over

Allah SWT dah tetapkan org baik akan berkahwin dgn org yg baik dan sebaliknya. ‘Baik’ itu pula subjective. Kita taktau hati org lain macam mane, baik atau busuk selagi kita tak cukup kenal dgn org tu. Selalunya org yg tahu dan kenal kita ialah ibu kita. Cuba tanya ibu kita hati kita ni baik atau busuk, mesti ibu kita ada jawapannya.

According to my mother, katanya hati penulis baik cuma ada sedikit cemburu. Ya, penulis kadang2 berterus terang dengan ibu penulis tentang apa yg orang lain ada tapi penulis takde. Banyak kali jugakla sampai dia kata penulis ni cemburu. Tapi, dia pujuk penulis dgn mengatakan semua itu rezeki yg Allah beri pada manusia. Setiap org ada rezeki yg berbeza jd kita kena bersyukur dgn apa yg ada. Lagi, kata ibu penulis, penulis ni rajin dan tak pentingkan diri sendiri. Means, penulis tak suka tgk org lain penat2 buat kerja penulis dok relax lenggangkangkong. Memang pun, rasa bersalah tol bila tgk mak penulis dan mak mertua penulis buat kerja tapi penulis tak tolong, jadi seboleh-bolehnya memang penulis akan tolong walau sedikit. Yelah, diorang tu dah tua, tenaga pun dah tak banyak kita yg muda belia ni kenala tolong apa yg patut. Penulis harap, bila ada anak nanti tak kiralah anak laki or pompuan, harap dia pun akan dapatla warisi sikap penulis ni, insyaAllah.

Mak penulis jgk cakap, penulis ni kadang2 berani sgt, straightforward sgt. Tak sesuai dgn budaya timur kita ni. Hubby penulis pun selalu pesan kita tak boleh staraightforward sgt nanti org dendam kat kita..betol gak ek.. Yelah, penulis sedar kelemahan tu, jadi penulis kena ubah banyak bab tu. Lagi, mak penulis dan hubby penulis kata penulis ni hot-tempered. Tapi, kawan-kawan penulis takkan percaya penulis ni hot-tempered coz dgn diorang walaumacam mane marah pun, penulis berjaya control. Yg tau penulis posses sifat buruk ni just my parents, my hubby and my siblings. Penulis ni pun, ikutkan memang garang skit. Esp dgn students kat sekolah. Dgn anak taktau lagi coz belum ada anak, tapi rasenya macam garang. Tapi, hubby penulis kata biarlah penulis garang coz dia tak garang. Tapi, penulis tak garang la dgn hubby. Mane boleh, dose…dgn hubby, penulis manja dan ngada-gada. Yelah, rata-rata semua hubby suke isteri yg manja dan suke gurau-gurau dgn dia barulah ceria rumahtangga.

Berbalik kpd persoalan ‘baik’ tadi. Ada org yg ‘nampak baik’ dari segi penampilannya tapi tutur kata dan hatinya belum tentu baik. Ya, tutup aurat itu wajib tapi ia mestilah seiring dgn pertuturan dan hati yg baik. Apa maksud ‘hati yg baik’? For me, hati yg baik is someone yg tak suke buruk sangka pada org lain, tak pernah dengki dan khianat org lain. (note: dengki itu lebih teruk dari cemburu coz org yg dengki akan berbuat khianat pada org lain sebab dia jealous dengan apa yg org itu ada).

Pengalaman penulis, semasa zaman sekolah dulu sewaktu penulis tinggal di asrama, penulis memegang banyak jawatan dan selalu menang hadiah. Guru-guru dan pihak pengurusan asrama senang dan mesra dgn penulis. Penulis bukanlah seorang yg peramah malah pendiam orangnya tapi mungkin kerana penulis jenis yg menurut kata pihak atasan dan penulis jenis yg merendah diri and tak banyak mulut jadi mereka senang berurusan dgn penulis berbanding kawan-kawan setingkatan penulis yg lain. Entah apa yang mereka tak senang dgn penulis, penulis pun tak faham sedangkan penulis tak pernah sekalipun khianat mereka. Adakah kerana penulis tak gemar nak join mereka berborak-borak (mengumpat-ngumpat juga mungkin), mereka jadi tak suke dgn penulis? Penulis memang lebih suka buat kerja sendiri (baca buku cerita, etc) daripada duduk2 berborak ntahape2. Satu hari, penulis dpt tahu mereka jaja cerita buruk tentang penulis pastu nangis-nangis takpuas hati dgn penulis. Tak faham betol, ntah apa salah penulis kat diorang ni (diorang ada dlm 5, 6 org jugakla). Tapi, tak semua tak senang dgn penulis, ada kawan2 yg ok dgn penulis. Jadi, sorang member penulis yg baik ni bagitaula kat sorang cikgu lain tentang what had happened terhadap penulis. Cikgu ni taktau la dia gurau ke ape. Dia kata kat member penulis ni, penulis boleh balas dendam khianat and amik tindakan kat 5,6 org budak tak puashati ni coz penulis ada kuasa as org yg ada jawatan. Tapi, penulis, tak amik tindakan apa2. Penulis diaammmm je, sabaaaarrr je….

That’s one story. Another story, ada sorang minah ni masa zaman penulis belajar di maktab perguruan dulu bersama hubby penulis. Minah ni ntah ape yg dia takpuashati dgn penulis, penulis pun taktau. (Buatpela nak jeles dgn aku woi, aku ni biase je, takde ape2 kelebihan pun). Dia pun buatla khianat kat penulis. Humiliate penulis. Takpayahla cakap what kind of humiliation she did to me. Puas penulis dan hubby penulis try kaji apa punca minah ni tak puas hati dgn penulis. Hubby penulis cukup suka kaji perangai manusia. Menurut kajian kami, minah ni mungkin, mungkin tak puas hati, jeles dgn love life penulis. Macam nonsense je alasan tu tapi, macam betol jugak coz penulis akui love life penulis mungkin di jelesi oleh orang lain yg tak cukup kenal dgn penulis. Penulis bersyukur sgt2 pada Allah SWT sebab dapat berkahwin dlm usia yg agak muda la jgk. Imbas kembali, setelah beberapa bulan break dgn bf penulis yg pertama dulu, penulis mula rapat dgn hubby penulis. Yelah, dah solo kan apa lagi…kebetulan, hubby penulis pun minat pada penulis. Nampak macam agak mudah penulis dapat pengganti. Lepas tu tunang then kahwin. Kami pulak memang rapat. Dah jadi suamisteri ni lagila rapat. Mmg macam nonsense minah tu jeles dgn lovelife penulis. Hubby penulis selalu kata penulis memang cantik dimata lelaki in general. Hubby yg kata begitu. Penulis ingat dia kata begitu coz dia nak amik hati penulis coz penulis kan bininya. Tapi, katanya tidak..jadi, adakah kerna penulis ini cantik dimata lelaki menyebabkan minah tu tak puas hati dgn penulis. Macam nonsense je dua2 reason. Penulis teringin tol nk tau ape yg minah tu tak puas hati dgn penulis. Tapi, penulis diaammmm je, sabaaaarrr je….

…Mungkin kedua-dua pengalaman penulis ni takdela teruk sgt berbanding pengalaman org lain. Tapi, semasa perkara itu terjadi, perit sungguh rasenya. Rase nak maki hamun mencarut sume ade. Hubby penulis pun cukup marah dgn apa yg terjadi pd penulis. Tapi, dia tenangkan penulis, sabaarr katanya. Bila penulis tension, hubby penulis selalu buat penulis rase hilang tension. Penulis rase tenang bila tengok hubby penulis. Hubby penulis cukup handsome di mata penulis. Tak jemu dipandang…ewahh…

Kesimpulannya, sekiranya kita impikan suami atau isteri yg baik, pastikan diri kita sendiri baik. Allah SWT maha adil. Rezeki manusia juga tak sama jadi kita kena selalu bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada. Dugaan manusia pun berbeza-beza mengikut kekuatan kita. Jodoh pula, semua org insyaAllah ada jodoh masing cuma lambat atau cepat je. Kalau belum sampai jodoh, kumpul lah harta banyak2 dulu. Bagi yg kahwin awal macam penulis, harta dikumpul bersama-sama dgn suami setelah berkahwin coz tak banyak harta yg dpt dikumpulkan sblm kahwin dulu. Nak buat majlis kahwin pun, tak payah la mewah2 sgt. Tak payah cerewet sgt. Bila dah kahwin pulak, toksah la berkira sgt dgn suami sendiri. Bukan dgn org lain, suami sendiri kan. Tapi, kena tgk jgk suami tu mcm mane. Kalau jenis yg suke kikis amik kesempatan, boros tak tentu pasal, susah jgk nk percaya. Tapi, kalau jenis yg tak boros, bertanggungjawab, caring, hati mulia toksahla berkira. Makpak mertua pun baik, lagila tak boleh nak berkira. Kita tak rugi apa pun kongsi harta dengan org yg kita sayang. Bila dah kahwin, selalu2 la sentuh pegang suami atau isteri kita. Then, selalula renung wajah pasangan dgn penuh kasih sayang mesti hati jd gembira dan tenang…Penulis selalu berdoa pada Allah agar Allah mengurniakan penulis perkahwinan yg dpt membahagiakan penulis dan suami di dunia dan akhirat. Anak-anak yang membahagiakan penulis dan suami di dunia dan akhirat. Dan semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan penulis dan suami di dunia ini…Aminnnn…

love tale

I’ve known my hubby for almost 6 years now. We were teacher trainees when we first met. I didn’t notice him at first. That time, for me he was just an ordinary ‘boy’. I started to notice him when were in our 2nd semester when our English Literature lecturer read his short story and a few weeks after that, his poem. He’s really talented in writing. I have always dream on marrying an artistic man.

Then, we started to talk to each other, mostly about literature. Day by day, he is no longer an ‘ordinary boy’ for me. We started to go out and became more than friends. Then, engagement and marriage issues came out. We got engaged during our 6th semester and got married in our 7th semester.

I love being married. You have someone you can depend on and care about you. Someone can you snuggle and cuddle up with. Marital bliss is on the air…

about me...

25 year-old woman. A Muslim. A Malay. An English primary school teacher. Married but no children yet. Soft-spoken and shy. Loves reading and listening to sentimental music.

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