Monday, July 20, 2009

Cerita melayu and I

The truth is I used not to like watching Malay movies or Malay drama or Malay soap operas. I only like watching English movies. Basically, anything in English and made in USA. Huh, macam tak sedar diri je diri sendiri tu Melayu,heheh…and the truth is, I cannot really say that I am PROUD to be a Malay. Not that I want to be ‘a mat salleh’ because I like watching English programs or to be any other races, I just feel like race or ‘bangsa’ sometimes can be un-practical and it makes things complicated. There are things in Malay culture that I don’t agree with but I don’t want to mention them as they might offend some people. Being a Muslim is another story and I am very grateful to Allah that I was born a Muslim.

Tapi, baru-baru ade satu siri Melayu yang benar2 memikat hati. NUR KASIH. Best nye crite tu. Serious BEST! Ha, that’s my main point…I love NUR KASIH series. Setiap Jumaat, 9.00 – 10.00 malam di TV3. Diri ini actually mengikuti setiap episode soap opera Melayu? Biar betol…


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